Wedding Gifts When, Where & How To Present Your Wedding Gift To The Bride & Groom

It is considered appropriate for your gift to be delivered to the couple prior to the wedding. Depending on the circumstances, delivery should be to the home of the bride or her parents. Customarily you should give what you can afford, although your generosity should take into consideration the style or formality of the reception and if the gift is from you and your children or a date.

When presenting a monetary gift before the wedding, the check should be made out to the bride in her maiden name. On the wedding day or after, it should be made out in the name of the groom or to Mr. & Mrs.

Look for the Gift Table at the wedding reception where you will place your thoughtful and beautifully wrapped gift. The Gift Table always includes a decorated Gift Card receptacle or Money Box for you to insert a monitory gift inside a card expressing your best wishes and sentiments.

If your invitation includes; “And Guest”, it is the responsibility of the addressee to secure the gift for the couple. When selecting your gift, whether that be from the registry or monetary, please consider that it was a thoughtful gesture to have been extended an “And Guest” invitation. You may want to consider providing the couple with a gift that represents both you and your guest. Married couples, those who live together or are engaged may also provide one gift.

Although etiquette allows guests up to one year following the wedding to send a wedding gift, we know that receiving a wedding gift in the midst of all the excitement and celebration will make your gift extremely meaningful and memorable.

Beautiful Gift Wrapping from PRESENTATIONS by Carolyne Roehm