Church Bell Chime Or A Blackberry ?

Let's face it. You, your friends and family are addicted to their Blackberry and there is no cure in sight.
Cell phones have become a necessary part of our lives. These precious little devices, which we live and breathe by, can alert us to their presence at the wrong time. Here are a few suggestions on how to avoid a cell phone mishap during your ceremony:

Print a matching reminder card and attach it to the outside of your ceremony program.

Post a pretty calligraphy sign on an easel at the church entrance reminding guests to turn off their phones.

Appoint one of your ushers to make an announcement to the waiting guests: “Guests of the Bride and Groom, the ceremony is about to begin. We ask that you kindly turn off your cell phones at this time.”

The biggest offenders may be your wedding party and family, who in the hustle and bustle of last minute hysteria, will not be reading the sign or the ceremony program. Have them check their phones with the wedding planner to avoid a disastrous interruption as you are about to say "I do".

Photography by The Luxurious Wedding Photography Team.